I have started doing a some work for this company today. When they received their order of uniforms they were all wrong. It should say Recyclers. They opted not to have them replaced. ???
I got through Grand Theft Auto IV again this weekend. I got a bit more out of it the second time around. I look forward to the new episode next month, The Ballad of Gay Tony.
It occurs to me looking at these photos that there were many more St Kilda supporters than Geelong supporters present. But I was wearing a Cats beanie with a pom pom on top, so I win. And so do..........
I did some work with JMac today. The weather started out OK, then it poured rain for an hour and then we put a roof on in the sun in the afternoon. Crowded House were right.
My new LCD screen arrived from Hong to the Kong. I took this photo from another camera during a break from proceedings and to let the rage I was feeling towards the fiddly ass job, subside.
Today has been and exciting day. My sister had drinks for her 30th Birthday, the Cats smashed the Pies in the Preliminary Final and I woke up with the inability to walk. I tried to see a regular doctor but was unable to find one open. After careful deliberation I took myself off to St V's Emergency to get it checked out. Four and a half hours later they tell me I have had an attack of the Gout. All I know is, it goddamn hurts.
It has been raining steadily all day. I have been out. Upon returning home I find this dog absolutely, retardedly wet. I think he likes standing in the rain. He also stubbornly refuses to look at the camera. Because he hates me.
Paige and Mike gave me this old Auritone clock for my birthday. It is in good working order but when plugged in it makes a lot of noise. It will remain a display item for now.
We went to see Lisa Mitchell at the Corner tonight. She is very good. She is nineteen years old. When I was nineteen I didn't know my ass from my elbow.